Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A weekend tale

This weekend was AWESOME!

Bonnie and I had a chance to hang out with a couple of homebrewers on Friday.  Now, granted, we were laze-ing around in their pool for 5 hours, not brewing, but... The entire conversation revolved around beer. Of course.

Saturday we cleaned the yard (and tidied up the brewery) then headed off to a big Homebrewer BBQ.  The fella who hosted it has a completely computer controlled, 20 gallon system.  Basically, he could brew from his couch.  He also makes a SICK brisket, and some roasted chicken of the highest standard of excellence.  And a pool.  Of course.  Then we proceeded to the after-party at another homebrewer's home.

Sunday was brew day!  Jeremy came over.  He did all grain in the Brew In A Bag process, and wanted to see my all-grain process.  So from 11-12 I got the brewery ready and he arrived at noon.

ONE WOULD THINK that we would get brewing at noon, right?  Well recall the Saturday BBQ and Afterparty?  There were some lingering effects which a quart of blue Gatorade helped with.  For him.  I was a bit slow, but not hung over :) yeah, that's the ticket...

We brewed a batch and he loved the process, it's really simple on my system.  Which is sort of unfair to other brewers who plan on brewing all grain after they see my system.  Like I said, I could brew with my eyes closed, I have the system so dialed in.

After 3:00, other guys started arriving (and my mom and dad) and we got the grill fired up for some delicious dogs and burgers.  At this point, my mash-in was in process for my second brew.

Brew 2 finished, cooled, and in the fermenter.

Can you imagine a better weekend?

This is the brew day schedule:

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