Homebrew Class Resources

This page is a resource page for the homebrew class I am teaching for Chandler Parks and Rec Department and Whole Foods.

Vocabulary Lesson:

1. Hot Liquor- hot water (hot liquor tank)
2. Wort- unfermented beer
3. OG- Original Gravity= the amount of sugars dissolved in the wort after boil
4. FG- Final Gravity= the amount of sugars remaining after fermentation
5. Hydrometer- device for measuring the density of water
6. Grain MiIl- to expose the starches in grain to enzymes so it can convert to sugars
7. Grist (bill)- the grains which make up the sugar potentials
8. Mash- exposing starches to sugars at a given temperature to enzymes, allowing the

conversion of starches to sugar-
9. Mash Out- Lautering= draining the wort out of the grains
a. Manifold- tube with holes cut in it
b. False bottom- sheet with holes cut in it
c. Braid- braided metal
10. Sparging- Using additional water to rinse further sugars out of the grist
a. Fly sparge- continually draining water
b. Batch Sparge- filling the mash tun then draining the entire amount
c. No Sparge- using only the water from the full mash
d. BIAB (Brew In A Bag)
11. Boil Kettle- the vessel which wort boiling is performed in
a. Sight Glass- glass tube which allows brewer to see volume of liquid in the pot
b. Valve- to control input ad output
c. Ports- holes drilled into the kettle for accessories (up to 12?)
12. Pitching Yeast- adding yeast to wort. Now it’s beer (legally)
13. Fermentation- when yeast converts sugars into alcohol and CO2
14. Secondary Fermentation- a second round of fermentation induced by additional ingredients

or environment
15. Racking- moving something from here to there
16. Priming- adding additional sugar to allow CO2 production in the bottle
17. Carboy- glass (or plastic) water bottle
18. Adjunct- added for additional sugars
19. Ale- a top fermenting yeast often brewed at 65 degrees (appx)
20. Lager- a bottom fermenting yeast brewed at 50 degrees (appx)
21. Hops- flowers used in brewing for flavor and preservation
22. Malting- starting a grain sprouting then stopping the process with heat
23. IBU- International Bittering Units- the bitterness of the beer from hops
24. RDWHAHB- Relax, don’t worry, have a home brew!

Homebrew Club Links:


Local Facebook Pages:

Az Society of Homebrewers http://www.facebook.com/groups/60406746966/
East Valley Homebrewers http://www.facebook.com/groups/403880396305612/
Arizona Chapter of Girls Pint out https://www.facebook.com/AZgirlspintout

Homebrew Stores:

My Favorite: Brew Your Own Brew 
Thank You!!!

Map to BrewYourOwn
525 E Baseline Road, Gilbert, AZ

Brewer's Connection, Tempe: http://www.brewersconnection.com/
Austin Homebrew: http://www.austinhomebrew.com/
Northern Brewer: http://www.northernbrewer.com/
Williams Brewing: http://www.williamsbrewing.com/default.aspx
MoreBeer: http://www.morebeer.com/
The Brew Brothers: http://www.brewbrothers.biz/
NikoBrew: http://www.nikobrew.com/
Homebrew Finds: http://www.homebrewfinds.com/

http://podbrewers.net/ Beginners [all-ages]
http://www.thebeergoddess.com/ Beer-show with occasional homebrew info [all-ages]
http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/ (MANY shows) [NC17 rating]
http://beersmith.com/blog/ Advanced shows [all-ages]
http://www.basicbrewing.com/index.php?page=radio Advanced AND Basic shows [all-ages]
http://www.hogtownbrewers.org/podcasts.cfm Advanced shows [all-ages]
http://finalgravitypodcast.com/ Advanced shows [NC 17 rating]

More Resources:

Beer Craft Book: one gallon brewing recipes and GREAT information.  HIGHLY Recommended
Amazon Link

Charlie Papazian's Book, "The Complete Joy of Homebrewing" available at Brew Your Own in Gilbert, or at Amazon

Very well designed site with basic theories http://homebrewmanual.com/

Style Guidelines: http://www.bjcp.org/stylecenter.php

My Pinterest page: http://pinterest.com/azbauman/beer/

Alton Brown's Good Brew recipe:
Food Network link- messy

The Today Show's "5 reasons you should brew your own beer"
Today show link- it's long and ugly

"Dummies" Articles to read

Beer Smith Brewing Software: Take advantage of the 21 day free trial!

BrewR Software for Android:

4 Common Mistakes Homebrewers Make (Popular Mechanics)

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