Sunday, August 26, 2012

Az Hops!


WOAH! There is a winery south of Tucson who is growing hops!  In Arizona!  I'm SOOOO excited!

Good reason for a road trip if I ever saw one.  Visit a couple of breweries or a beer bar in Tucson, hit the hop yards, and head home.  THAT is living!

They even have a homebrew club called "The Buffalo Club".  Apparently the name is in homage to an old west drinking game.  Everything in southern Arizona is because of something "Old West"y

"We have decided to honor Buffalo in our tasting room. What is Buffalo?  Only a life-saving, drinking game from the old west that is a life time commitment. You are only allowed to drink with your non-gun-shooting hand  (or your non-writing hand). If anyone catches you then they call “Buffalo!” and then you have to finish whatever is in your glass."

I am now dedicating my life to drinking with my left hand.


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