Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Class number one @ WF

This is a picture of the result of our brew classes last night. I know, it's like... A quart of wort. (rhymes are funny!) 

I undershot the boil by about a quart, then James wanted all the students to taste the finished wort. Seriously. I have no idea why he would do this to them. Hot scotchys, I dig. Wort with hops? No thank you. Yuk.

Teaching at Whole Foods was different. The environment was loud, the students were farther away. I felt like I had to YELL and they still couldn't hear me that well. I am already a loud person.

The biggest difference between the City of Chandler class and this one was that at the Chandler class, the students are CONSTANTLY interacting with me and other students. It's a very different environment when there are 30 people. I found myself trying to come up with topics to discuss without "using" all the subjects for next week's lecture class up. Which I really shouldn't have worried about so much, because repeating the temperatures that alpha-amalayse and beta-amalayse are optimally effective, is not something people get the first time around, anyways :-)

Another difference is that most of the students in the CofC class had some homebrewing experience. In this class only 5 out of 30 have brewed before. It's the nature of the demographic. People in the CofC class had to seek out the class. At the WF class, they found it while grocery shopping. Which is AWESOME because it introduces the hobby to a whole BUNCH of people who may never have otherwise found it.

So in summary - great class and it was well received. I would do a couple things different in the future, and I'm already reformatting next week's class. It's really going to be pretty kick ass.

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